MUSTAFA, T. NADJIB (2004) PENGARUH KEGIATAN PARKIR PADA TEPI JALAN EMPAT LAJUR DUA ARAH TERHADAP KAPASITAS JALAN (Studi Kasus Jalan Pemuda Semarang). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Every journey using vehicle started and terminated in the parking place, therefore, parking space spread over in journey provenance can in car garage, yard and or side of road and in journey target, in parking area, parking building and or in side of road. Because concentration of its target is higher journey than journey provenance, hence usually will arise problems at location ofjourney. Intention of this research is to analyse the level of influence of parking activity in side lane of four lanes two directions to road cap acitiy at case study area is Center Bussines District, that is in one of the point of Pemuda street of Semarang between Tugu Muda intersection with Tanjung intersection as the more or less 350 m northside from Tugu Muda intersection precisely in front of Regina Pacis Elementary School of Semarang. Research which cover ; analysis influence of parking activity in side of road to traffic characteristic like flow, density and speed, and also analyse influence of parking activity at wayside four lanes two directions against road capacitiy. Relation between speed with density, flow with speed, and flow with density trhough approach of linear methods of Greenshield, Greenberg logaritinik and of Underwood elcsponensial. Three of them namely Model Greenshield and Model of Greenberg and also Model Underwood which statistically give result of F, t, r2 the goodness that is bigger than F value, t, e in statistical tables, either to the North direction or to the South direction. So that third have same opportunity to be able to be taken as model of traffic flow calculation. Happened reduction of maximum flow (capacity) either in the middle lane of North direction or side lane and middle lane of South direction when the side lane of North direction to be used for parking activity at 11.00 - 12.30 when compared with the time of 06.00-07.30 when there is no parking activity at the side lane of North direction, successively that is for the direction of North according to Model of Grrenshield equal to : 36,93 % , and according to Model of Greenberg equal to : 37,99 % while according to Model of Underwood equal to : 30,66 %. As for for middle lane of southward, successively according to Model of Grrenshield equal to : 52,94 %, and according to Model of Greenberg equal to : 45,48 % while according to Model of Underwood equal to : 55,49 % and for side lane of southward, successively according to Model of Grrenshield equal to : 36,17 % , and according to Model of Greenberg equal to : 59,92 % while according to Model of Underwood equal to : 53,42. The parking activity at the side lane of North direction gives the influence of reducing of maximum flow of two way traffic flow and according to respectively Greenshield (39,97 %), Greenberg (53,05 %), Underwood (38,57 %). Thus proven that parking activity in the side lane of road is absolutly reduce of rnaximu flow (capacity) of road. For the side lane of North direction between 06.00 - 07.30 even there was no parking, the flow is small relatively. This matter was caused by most road userses annoyed vehicles dropped the passenger that is schoolchild so that don't have other choice except have to choose middle lane because they hurried to reach their purpose. Setiap perjalanan yang menggunalcan kendaraan diawali dan diakhiri di tempat parkir, oleh lcarena itu, ruang parkir tersebar di tempat asal perjalanan bisa di garasi mobil, halarnan ataupun tepi jalan dan di tujuan perjalanan, di pelataran parlcir, gedung parkir ataupun di tepi jalan. Karma konsentrasi tujuan perjalanan lebih tinggi dari pada di tempat asal perjalanan, malca biasanya alcan timbul permasalahan parkir di tempat tujuan perjalanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengartalisa besarnya pengaruh lcegiatan parkir di tepi jalan empat lajur dua arah terhadap kapasitas jalan pada daerah yang merupakan Pusat Daerah Kegiatan, yaitu di salah satu seksi dari ruas Jalan Pemuda Semarang antara Simpang Tugu Muda dengan Simpang Tanjung sejauh lebih lcurang 350 m sebelah Utara dari titik Simpang Tugu tepatriya di depan SD. Regina Paths Semarang. Penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi ; analisa pengartth kegiatan parkir di tepi jalan terhadap lcaralcteristik lalu4intas seperti anus, kecepatan dan kerapatan, serta analisa pengaruh kegiatan parkir pada tepi jalan empat lajur dua arah terhadap lcapasitas jalan, dengan menggunakan pendekatan metoda limier Greenshield, logaritmik Greenberg dan elcsponensial Underwood. Ketiga yalcni Model Greenshield dan Model Greenberg serta Model Underwood yang secara statistik memberilcan hasil F, t, ? yang baik yaitu lebih besar dari nilai F, t, ? dalam tabel statistik, baik untuk kearah Utara maupun ke arah Selatan. Sehingga ketiganya mempunyai peluang yang sama untuk dapat diatnbil sebagai model perhitungan besarnya anus. Terjadi penurunan besarnya anus malcsimum (kapasitas) baik yang lewat lajur tengah arah Utara paupun yang lewat pada lajur tepi dan tengah arah Selatan saat lajur tepi arah Utara digurtalcan untuk kegiatan parkir pada pukul 11.00 — 12.30 bila dibandinglcan dengan pukul 06.00-07.30 saat lajur tepi arah Utara tidak ada kegiatan parkir, berturut- turut yaitu untuk arah Utara menurut Model Gffenshield sebesar : 36,93 %, dan menurut Model Greenberg sebesar : 37,99 % sedanglcan menurut Model Underwood sebesar 30,66 %. Adapun untulc lajur tengah arah Selatan, bertumMutut menurut Model Grrenshield sebesar : 52,94 %, dan menurut Model Greenberg sebesar : 45,48 % sedangkan menurut Model Underwood sebesar : 55,49 % dan untuk lajur tepi arah Selatan, berturut-turut menurut Model Grrenshield sebesar : 36,17 %, dan meriurut Model Greenberg sebesar : 59,92 % sedanglcan menunrt Model Underwood sebesar : 53,42 . Dan kegiatan parkir di tepi jalan arah Utara ini mempertgaruhi besamya pentrunan arus malcsimum pada lajur total dua arah yaitu menurut Greenshield 39,97 %, menurut Greenberg 53,05 %, dan menurut Underwood 38,57 %. Jadi terbulcti bahwa adanya kegiatan parkir di tepi jalan (lajur tepi) pasti dapat mengurangi anus maksimum (kapasitas) jalan. Untulc lajur tepi arah Utara pada pagi hari saat tidak ada parlcir antara pukul 06.00 — 07.30 arusnya relatif kecil hal ini disebabkan lcarena kebanyalcan para pemakai jalan terganggu kendaraan yang menurunkan penumpang yaitu anak sekolah sehingga tidak mempunyai pilihan lain kecuali hams memilih lajur tengah karena tergesa-gesa untuk mencapai tujuan.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Civil Engineering |
ID Code: | 11478 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 25 May 2010 11:25 |
Last Modified: | 25 May 2010 11:25 |
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