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Bengkulu is a city which has growt fast level. This high growth due to the fact that Bengkulu has function as the capital of Bengkulu Province having a role as the governmental service center, either the governmental of Bengkulu Province or the governmental of Bengkulu City. In the scope of regional, Bengkulu City has a role as the economy activity center of the hinterland, and also it has a role to create a dynamicization of economic activities and development balance with cities outside bengkulu Province. The high of Economic activity intensity give influence to the amount and pattern of people and goods' trip Mostly needs of person transportation from one place to the another place in the area of Bengkulu City is served by urban transportation, which its type is passenger car. This urban transportation's role is very important in supporting the mobility of Bengkulu City's people in conducting their activity, in which the operated transportation is not only needed by Bengkulu's people (internal) bul also another regency's people domiciled in the around of administrative area border of Bengkulu City (eksternal) The transportation problem in Bengkulu City is in the case of designated route, in which the service of designated route for public transportation has not optimum yet, which is caused by some factors, namely : (a) deviation in the route, that is the probability of public transportation to trace the areas that are not its route because of its low demand, (b) the designated route for public transportation is not correctly arranged, because there is still area which hasn't been served by public transportation, (c) the aplication of designated route pattern hasn't already maximum, because it is required public transportation movement several times to achieve the destination, thus this causes a high cost for the people using public transportation service. In other side, there are many areas in Bengkulu City which haven't been served optimally by public transportation, so that a person must spend a high cost to reach his destination. To optimalize the service of public transportation designated route network in Bengkulu City, it is necessary to conduct research to analyze the work of urban transportation through the study of urban transportation route service. The research was conducted by using descriptive method with quantitative and qualitative analysis technique. The analysis means used in this research were non-statistical and statistical analysis. In this research, the analysis will be conducted to the movement potential and designated route network to identifr the exiting condition of Bengkulu City viewed from those variables. After that, the analysis of public transportation route work was conducted in Bengkulu City in order to know whether the public transportation service in each route has had a good, good enough or bad work. The results give a conclusion that an urban transportation is a means of public transportation which is very needed by the people of Bengkulu City. Meanwhile the condition of the route of urban transportation generally indicates a good enough work from the parameter of area coverage, route directness, accessibility, load factor, headway, the driver's income and the amount of fleet. This good enough work is due to the route of urban transportation shows a tendency that it only passes the main roads. Beside that, there are urban transportation excess in Bengkulu City and there are still many areas which haven't been convered by the route service, thus the result of research recommends in order to mod& the exiting designated route for public transportation to increase the work of designated route for public transportation. Kota Bengkulu merupakan suatu kota yang memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan ruang yang cukup tinggi, Tingginya tingkat pertumbuhan tersebut karena Kota Bengkulu berfungsi juga sebagai ibukota Provinsi Bengkulu yang berperan sebagai pusat pelayanan pemerintahan, baik pemerintahan Provinsi Bengkulu maupun pemerintahan Kota Bengkulu. Dalam skala regional, Kota Bengkulu berperan sebagai pusat kegiatan perekonomian kota-kota yang ada di daerah belakang (hinterland), disamping itu juga berperan untuk menciptakan dinamisasi kegiatan ekonomi dan keseimbangan perkembangan dengan kota-kota di luar Provinsi Bengkulu. Tingginya intensitas kegiatan ekonomi membawa pengaruh terhadap jumlah dan pola perjalanan orang dan barang. Kebutuhan transportasi orang dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain di dalam wilayah Kota Bengkulu sebagian besar dilayani oleh angkutan kota (angkota) jenis mobil penumpang. Peran angkota tersebut sangat besar dalam menunjang mobilitas warga Kota Bengkulu untuk melakukan aktivitasnya, dimana angkota yang beroperasi tidak hanya dibutuhkan warga kota Bengkulu saja (internal), melainkan juga merupakan kebutuhan sarana transportasi dari warga kabupaten lainnya yang berdomisili di sekitar batas wilayah administrasi Kota Bengkulu (eksternal). Permasalahan transportasi di Kota Bengkulu terutama pada masalah jaringan trayek, dimana pelayanan jaringan trayek di Kota Bengkulu saat ini dirasakan belum optimal, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu; (a). deviasi pada rute, yaitu kemungkinan angkota menyusuri daerah-daerah yang bukan rutenya karena demandnya rendah, (b) jaringan trayek yang ada tidak tepat penataannya, karena masih ada kawasan kota yang belum terlayani angkutan kota, (c) Penerapan pola rute trayek belum maksimal, karena untuk mencapai tujuan perjalanan diperlukan beberapa kali perpindahan angkota sehingga menyebabkan biaya tinggi bagi pengguna jasa angkota. Di sisi lain masih banyak kawasan lain di Kota Bengkulu belum terlayani angkutan umum secara optimal, sehingga seseorang harus mengeluarkan biaya tinggi untuk mencapai daerah tujuannya. Untuk mengoptimalisasi pelayanan jaringan trayek angkota di Kota Bengkulu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kinerja angkutan kota melalui kajian pelayanan trayek angkutan kota. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatil Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis non statistik dan analisis statistik. Dalam penelitian ini analisis akan dilakukan terhadap potensi pergerakan dan jaringan trayek untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting Kota Bengkulu ditinjau dari variabel-variabel tersebut. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kinerja rute angkota di Kota Bengkulu, yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah pelayanan angkota pada masing-masing rute telah mempunyai kinerja yang baik, cukup baik atau kurang baik. Hasil dari penelitian memberikan kesimpulan bahwa angkota merupakan sarana angkutan umum yang sangat dibutuhkan penduduk Kota Bengkulu. Sedangkan kondisi rule trayek angkota yang ada secara wnum menunjukkan kinerja yang cukup baik dilihat dari parameter area coverage, route directness, aksesibilitas, load factor, headway, pendapatan pengemudi dan jumlah armada. Kinerja yang cukup baik ini disebabkan karena rute angkota memperlihatkan kecenderungan hanya melalui jalan-jalan utama. Disamping itu di Kota Bengkulu terjadi kelebihan angkota serta masih ada kawasan-kawasan yang belum memperoleh pelayanan rute trayek sehingga hash penelitian merekomendasikan supaya memodifikasi rute trayek yang sudah ada guna meningkatkan kinerja rute trayek.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning |
ID Code: | 11449 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 25 May 2010 10:37 |
Last Modified: | 25 May 2010 10:37 |
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