Muânisatus Zahro, Lamiya and Istiorini, Mareta (2010) PENYIAPAN BAHAN BAKU DALAM PROSES FERMENTASI FASE CAIR ASAM SITRAT MELALUI PROSES HIDROLISA AMPAS SINGKONG Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan tugas akhir guna memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Oleh : Lamiya Muânisatus Zahro NIM. L2C006064 Mareta Istiorini NIM. L2C006068 JURUSAN TEKNIK KIMIA FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO SEMARANG 2010. Undergraduate thesis, Teknik Kimia UNDIP.
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Official URL: "Seminar Tugas Akhir S1 Teknik Kimia UNDIP 2010"
Hidrolisa merupakan reaksi pengikatan gugus hidroksil oleh suatu senyawa. Pati merupakan polisakarida kompleks yang tersusun dari glukosa yang saling berikatan dengan ikatan 1,4 glikosid. Dalam hidrolisa pati,terjadi reaksi antara air dan pati. Air memberi efek pemutusan ikatan rangkap,hidrogen akan terikat pada komponen yang satu dengan senyawa hidroksil akan terikat pada komponen yang lain. Pengaruh variabel waktu, suhu, kecepatan pengadukan, konsistensi dan konsentrasi asam pada proses hidrolisa sangat menentukan pada proses hidrolisa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan kondisi operasi yang optimum pada proses pengubahan fase ampas singkong dari fase padat menjadi fase cair. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh variabel operasi yang paling berpengaruh yaitu konsistensi 1%, waktu operasi 2,5jam, temperatur 100oC, konsentrasi HCl 1N, dan kecepatan pengadukan 150 rpm. Pada penelitian lanjutan dihasilkan kondisi optimum hidrolisa ampas singkong yaitu pada konsistensi 2% ampas terhidrolisa 88,552%, waktu operasi 2 jam ampas terhidrolisa 87,724%, suhu 90OC ampas terhidrolisa 89,379% , konsentrasi HCl 0,8 N ampas terhidrolisa 87,724%, dan kecepatan pengadukan 150 rpm ampas terhidrolisa 87,72%. Hasil penelitian pada kondisi operasi optimum konsistensi 2%, waktu operasi 2 jam, suhu operasi 90 OC, konsentrasi HCl 0,8 N, dan kecepatan pengadukan 150 rpm didapatkan ampas singkong terhidrolisa 90,207%. Hidrolisys is a binding reaction by the hydroxyl group of a compound. Starch is a complex polysaccharide composed of glucose linked to each other by 1.4 glikosid bonds. In starch hydrolisys, reaction between water and starch is occured. Water give an effect in decomposition of double bond, hydrogen will be tied to a single component with the hydroxyl compound will be bound to the other one. The influence of time, temperature, stirring speed, consistency and concentration of acid in the process will be analyzad in this research. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimum operating conditions on the conversion process of cassava onggok from the solid phase into liquid phase. From the results of the study, obtained the operating variables that are most influential. They are 1% consistency, 2.5 hours of operating time, the temperature of 100oC, the concentration of 1N HCl, and the stirring speed of 150 rpm. The optimum variables are gained in the further research including 2% consistency yields 88.552% cassava residue hydrolyzed , 2 hours of operating time yields 87.724% cassava residue hydrolyzed , temperature 900C yields 89.379% cassava residue hydrolyzed, the concentration of 0.8 N HCl yields 87.724% cassava residue hydrolyzed, and the stirring speed of 150 rpm yields 87.72% cassava residue hydrolyzed. Combining the optimum operating conditions of consistency 2%, 2 hours of operating time, operating temperature of 90 OC, the concentration of 0.8 N HCl, and the stirring speed of 150 rpm resulted in 90.207% cassava residue hydrolyzed.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TP Chemical technology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Department of Chemical Engineering |
ID Code: | 11310 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 24 May 2010 15:00 |
Last Modified: | 24 May 2010 15:01 |
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