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In the plant of the development all the administrative and academic activities of UNDIP will be move to the new campus in Tembalang. This progress needs to be followed by the prediction of the problems which might emerge. One of the problems which might be emerged related to the transportation services. Related to the problems above the research which aims at identifying the characteristic of mode selection, house of living, monthly expense level which influence the flow of the students and at knowing the characteristic of attraction pattern of the students flow to the campus of UNDIP Semarang in Tembalang is needed. The data which support this research consist of primary data: a. Questioner survey with students as the respondents, b. Counting the traffic which enter the campus area of UNDIP Tembalang, and the secondary data: the campus master plan of UNDIP Tembalang and the statistical data of UNDIP. The variables which influence the flow of the students, namely: 1. the faculty/study programme location; 2. Social status: mounthly expense, house of living, the status of the house of living; 3. mode selection, mode changes, vehicle ownership, the trip frequency to campus. In processing and analysing these data, cross- tabulation using the statistical analysis means SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 10 is used. The research finding shows that 49% of the respondents stay in the location which is near the campus, that is in Tembalang District. For the status of the house of living, it is identified that 56,8% of the respondents stay in the boarding house in Tembalang and Banyumanik district. The consideration of staying near the campus is to make the accessability to campus easy — they can go to campus on foot (37,6% of the respondents live in Tembalang District) and or by public transportation (39,4% of the respondents live in Tembalang District) with small fare and short time only. It is reasonabel due to the factor of private vehicle ownership. Beside that it is also found that the monthly expense level is influenced by the mode use and the rent cost of the house of living. The average rent cost of the boarding house is Rp.101.600,- and the average of the public transportation fare is Rp.31.560,-. While in the location which is far from the campus of UNDIP Tembalang, for example, Pedurungan, there is no rent cost of the house of living but the average of the public transportation fare is Rp.100.000,- per month. It shows that the further the location of the house of living, the higher the public transportation fare but the lower the cost of the house of living. It also needs to be noted that 36% of the respondents who live in boarding houses and use the public transportation, their expense level is around Rp.350.000,--Rp.500.000,-. And 27% of those who go to campus on foot can minimize the expense to <Rp.200.000,-. Pengembangan Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) meliputi seluruh kegiatan akademis dan administrasi UNDIP akan dialihkan ke kampus barn di Tembalang. Salah satu masalah yang akan muncul adalah masalah pergerakan orang/lalu lintas (transportasi). Maka, perlu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik pemilihan moda, tempat tinggal dan tingkat pengeluaran per bulan yang mempengaruhi tarikan pergerakan mahasiswa, serta untuk mengetahui karakteristik pola tarikan pergerakan mahasiswa ke kampus UNDIP Semarang di Tembalang. Data-data yang mendukung penelitian ini meliputi data primer: a. Survai Kuesioner dengan responden mahasiswa, b. Survai pencacahan lalu lintas yang masuk ke kawasan kampus UNDIP Tembalang; dan data sekunder: master plan kampus UNDIP Tembalang, data statistik UNDIP. Variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi pergerakan mahasiswa, yaitu: 1. lokasi fakultas/jurusan; 2. status sosial; tingkat pengeluaran per bulan, tempat tinggal, status tempat tinggal, 3. kepemilikan kendaraan, pemilihan moda, pergantian moda, frekuensi perjalanan ke kampus. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode tabulasi silang dengan memakai alat analisis statistika SPSS (Statistical Product dan Service Solution) versi 10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 49% responden bertempat tinggal di dekat lokasi Kampus UNDIP yaitu di Kecamatan Tembalang. Untuk status tempat tinggal, diidentifikasi bahwa 56,8% responden bertempat tinggal dengan status kos (sementara) di Kecamatan Tembalang dan Banyumanik. Adapun pertimbangan tinggal di dekat kampus adalah untuk mempennudah aksesibilitas ke kampus, dimana mereka dapat melakukan perjalanan hanya dengan berjalan kaki (37,6% responden di Kecamatan Tembalang) dan atau menggunakan angkutan umum (39,4% responden di Kecamatan Tembalang) dengan tidak mengeluarkan biaya yang besar baik ongkos maupun waktu perjalanan. Tingkat pengeluaran per bulan dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan moda dan biaya tempat tinggal. Rata- rata biaya tempat tinggal di Kecamatan Tembalang Rp.101.600 dan rata-rata biaya angkutan umum Rp.31.560. Sedangkan di lokasi. yang jauh dari Kampus UNDIP Tembalang, contohnya Pedurungan, biaya tempat tinggal tidak ada namun rata-rata biaya angkutannya mencapai Rp.100.000 per bulan. Hal ini menunjukkan semakin jauh lokasi tempat tinggal, maka semakin besar biaya angkutannya namun biaya tempat tinggalnya semakin kecil. Perlu diketahui juga, 36% responden yang berstatus kos dan menggunakan angkutan umum, tingkat pengeluarannya bisa mencapai Rp.350.000-Rp.500.000. Sedangkan yang berjalan kaki 27%-nya dapat meminimalkan pengeluaran hingga <200.000,-.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Civil Engineering
ID Code:11305
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:24 May 2010 14:41
Last Modified:24 May 2010 14:41

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