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Increasing growth rates on the population of Magelang Municipality were caused by urbanization to the rural areas. Unbalanced population growth rates and land availability for development increased the amount of slum residential environment near the city center of Magelang Municipality. The fact has worsened to the relatively low economic ability and income of slum community causing severe problems of the redesigning of slum residential environment Magelang district Government helped by the central government were implementing a program of redevelopment and planning of slum residential environment utilizing community development method. This program will optimally be successful if it were supported by high community participation. Based on that phenomenon, this study was conducted to identifr the level of community participation and to formulate the form of effective community participation for the redevelopment and planning of slum residential environment program afterwards. This study was designed in five analytical method of identifying the condition of community participation, factors that have the involvement of community participation, correlation with factors that influenced the involvement of community participation, determination to the level of community involvement and the formulation of recommendation to the form of involvement in community participation. These analytical methods included the component and instrument according to the specific materials. Result of the study shows that the level of community participation in the planning process was very low. This was caused by factors including the low media of information and that the information were only used by prominent citizen. On the implementation stages, the level of community participation was relatively high because the mobilizations of community through the community organization were relative easier. On the advances and development stages the process were on the low and medium level because the minimum information on the way of developing development results. The internal factors as the main component and influenced much to the process were the involvement in the community organization and the light access of information to community. Generally the level of community participation were on the level of placation and consultation, where there was an invitation on the community opinion, but there was no guaranteed attention comprehensively to the opinion, related to strong interference of the government Tingginya laju pertumbuhan pendudulc di Kota Magelang, yang disebabkan oleh arus urbanisasi di daerah rural sekitarnya. Tidalc seimbangnya laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan ketersediaan tanah bagi permukiman menyebabkan tumbuhnya beberapa lingkungan perinukiman kumuh di dc/cat pusat Kota Magelang. Kenyataan tersebut diperparah dengan relatif rendahnya kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat kumuh sehingga muncul kesulitan dalam penataan lingkungan permukiman kumuh tersebut. Petnerintah Kota Magelang, dibantu oleh Pemerintah Pusat, mengadakan program penataan lingkungan permukiman kumuh dengan menggunakan model pemberdayaan masyarakat. Program tersebut akan berhasil secara optimal jika diimbangi dengan peran serta masyarakat yang tinggi. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut akan dilakukan studi ini guna menemukenali tingkat peran serta masyarakat clan merumuskan bentuk peran serta masyarakat yang dapat digerakkan secara efektif bag program penataan lingkungan permukiman kumuh di kemudian hart Terdapat lima analisis yang dilakukan dalam studi in!, yaitu mulai dari pengenalan gambaran kondisi partisipasi masyarakat, faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam pelibatan peran serta masyarak-at, penentuan tingkatan peran serta masyarakat sampai pada perumusan rekomendasi bentuk pelibatan peran serta masyarakat. Setiap analisis akan dilengkapi dengan alat analisisnya. Dart hasil studi didapatkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam tahap perencanaan adalah sangat rendah, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, antara lain karena sedikitnya media informasi dan hanya digunakannya tokoh masyarak-at datum tahap in!. Pada tahap pelaksanaan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat cu/cup tinggi karena lebih mudahnya mobilisasi masyarakat melalza organisasi kemasyarakatan. Sedangkan dalam tahap pemanfaatan dan pengembangan partisipasi masyarakat berada dalam tingk-at yang rendah-sedang karena minimnya informasi mengenai cara-cara pengembangan hasil-hasil pembangunan. Faktor internal yang paling berpengaruh dan menonjol adalah faktor keterlibatan dalan organ isasi kemasyarakatan dan lcemudahan akses informasi bagi masyarakat. Secara umum tingkatan partisipasi masyarakat berada . pada tingk-atan placation dan consultation, di mana terdapat pengundangan opini masyarakat tetapi tidak ada jaminan kepedulian secara menyeluruh terhadap opini masyarakat tersebut, mengingat masih cu/cup kuatnya campur tangan pemerintah.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning |
ID Code: | 11281 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 24 May 2010 13:24 |
Last Modified: | 24 May 2010 13:24 |
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