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Pemberian tablet besi merupakan salah upaya untuk menanggulangi anemia.Pemberian tablet besi pada wanita usia subur ini bersamaan dengan vitamin C dan sumber protein hewani yang mempunyai sifat membantu peningkatan penyerapan tablet besi dalam tubuh.Sasaran pemberian ini adalah wanita subur yang nantinya akan hamil.Apabila penanggulangan anemia hanya pada waktu hamil sering kali tidak mempunyai cukup waktu untuk mengembalikan kadar Hb menjadi normal.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui rata-rata perubahan kadar Hb awal dan akhir dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perubahan kadar Hb. Penelitian ini termasuk quasy experimen Research dengan menggunakan desain penelitian pre and post test one Group .Sampel adalah wanita usia subur di kota semarang yang tidak sedang hamil.Penentuan sampel dengan metode multistage sampling .Perlakuan dalam satu minggu diberi tablet besi,vitamin C dan protein hewani 1 kali dan jika menstruasi setiap hari pemberian ini berlangsung selama 12 minggu.Pemeriksaan Hb dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan,dengan menggunakan Hemocue .Pengolahan dan analisis data dibantu dengan menggunakan komputer soft ware SPSS versi 10,sedangkan uji statistik yang digunakan adalah t-test for paired sampel dan General Linear Model(GLM) . Hasil Uji t-test paired sampel menunjukan ada perbedaan rata-rata kadar Hb awal dan akhir sebesar 0,584 dengan rata-rata sebelum 12,45 mg% dengan standart Deviasi 1,250 dan rata-rata sesudah 13,045 mg% dengan standart Deviasi 1,479.Perbedaan nilai t-7,069 dan nilai p 0,00.Hasil uji General Linier Model nilai P dari frekuensi konsumsi ayam ,ikan/daging 0,187,nilai p dari skor banyak sedikitnya darah haid 0,103.Dalam rangka penanggulangan anemia Gizi besi perlu diberikan suplementasi tablet besi 1 tablet ,vitamin C 1 tablet 250 mg dan protein hewani minimal 50 gram diberikan secara bersama-sama. Kata Kunci: Tablet besi,Vitamin C .protein hewani,kadar Hb THE EFFECT OF IRON TABLET,VITAMIN C,AND ANIMALISM PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTATION TO THE CHANGES OF HAEMOGLOBIN CONCENTRATION ON WOMEN AT FERTILE AGE IN SEMARANG CITY Supplemantation of iron tablet is one of the efforts to over come anemia.Supplementation of iron tablet to women at fertile age together with vitamin C and animalism protein could help the absorption of iron tablet to the body.The aim of this program was women at the fertile age that will become pregnant in the future.If the over coming process of the anemia only in the term of pregnancy it often did not have anough time to return the concentration of Hb back to normal.The purpose of this study was to know the everage concentration of Hob at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. The study was quacy axperiment research with pre and post test one group Design.The subject of this study was women at the fertile age in semarang city who were not pregnant.Sampling tecnique in this study was multistage sampling. The treatment in this study was everyonce a week the subject given iron tablet,Vitamin C,and animalism protein one time and if they were in their veriod time they given it everyday.This treatment last for 12 weeks.the examination of Hb concentration conducted before and after the treatment using Homocue.preparation and data analysis using SPSS version 10 with the statistic tests were t-test for faired sample and General Linier Model (GLM). The result of t-test paired sample showed there was a different average of Hb concentration at the beginning and at the end of the study as much as 0,584,the average Hb concentration at the beginning of the study was 12,45 mg% with deviation standard 1,250 and at the end of the study was 13,045 mg% with deviation standard 1,479.The defference of t value was-7,069 and p value was 0,000.The p value from General Linier Model (GLM) for chicken ,meat/fish consumption was 0,187,and for the amount of period blood were 0, addition to over come nutritional anemia iron deficiency problem,the supplementation of 1 tablet of iron tablet,1tablet of vitamin C 250 mg,and animalism protein at least 50 grams in the same time is much needed. Keyword: Iron tablet,Vitamin C,animalism protein
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 11045 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 20 May 2010 14:35 |
Last Modified: | 20 May 2010 14:35 |
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