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ABSTRACT The goal of this research is to analyze the Interactivity and the Interaction Involvement between company representation and customers, and its impact to customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty. Interactivity describes how an interactive relation between customers and company will be able to provide a condusive climate for both parties, to build a closer interpersonal relation. A frequent contact will create familiarity, so that some information and experiences that has been acquired during the time of interaction will help customers to predict the company behavior in the future with confidence. Interaction Involvement adopted three dimensions of listening behavior proposed by Anderson & Martin and Ruyter and Wetzels (2000). These three dimensions are : attentiveness, perceptiveness and responsiveness. It is proven that if these three dimensions were performed by the call center agent during their interaction with customers, it would significantly give a positive influence to customer satisfaction and customer trust. In a marketing relationship, customer who has a feeling of satisfaction and trust to the company will tend to increase willingness to cooperate. The attitude to cooperate and to stay in relationship will be showed by repurchase or to give favorable recommendation to others. In the case of relationship between company and customers through call center, the attitude to cooperate will be manifested bay the intention to call again to the call center once the customers need some information from the company. This research utilized the method of Structural Equation Models (SEM). The object of the research is the customers of Metrostar a program from PT. Metrosel. Significant results have been found between the factors that have been investigated in this research. With Chi-square score of = 101,314 ; probability = 0.073 ; CMIN/DF = 1.236 ; AGFI = 0.831 ; OFT = 0.885 ; TLT = 0.987 ; CFT = 0.990 and RMSEA = 0.049 the result of these measurements has fulfilled the criteria of goodness of fit. At the end of this research was also proposed the theoretical implication, managerial implication, the limitation of this research and future research agenda. ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan interaktivitas (hubungan yang interaktif) dan keterlibatan interaksi antara representasi perusahaan dan pelanggan dan pengaruhnya pada kepuasan pelanggan, rasa percaya dan kesetiaan pelanggan. Interaktivitas menggambarkan bagaimana hubungan yang interaktif antara pelanggan dan perusahaan dapat memberikan suasana yang kondusif bagi kedua belah pihak untuk membangun hubungan interpersonal yang lebih dekat. Dengan frekwensi hubungan yang sering maka akan terbangun keakraban sehingga informasi yang didapat maupun pengalaman selama berinteraksi tersebut akan membantu pelanggan memperkirakan perilaku perusahaan dimasa datang dengan penuh percaya. Keterlibatan interaksi dengan mengadopsi tiga dimensi perilaku mendengarkan berdasarkan Anderson & Martin (1995) dan Ruyter & Wetzels (2000) yaitu perhatian, pengertian dan cepat tanggap yang diberikan petugas call center dalam berhubungan dengan pelanggan terbukti secara signifikan memiliki pengaruh yang positif pada kepuasan pelanggan dan rasa percaya. Dalam suatu hubungan pemasaran, pelanggan yang memiliki kepuasan dan rasa percaya pada perusahaan maka akan meningkatkan kerjasamanya. Sikap kesediaan untuk tetap bekerjasama dan menjalin hubungan ini ditunjukkan dengan pembelian ulang atau memberikan rekomendasi kepada orang lain. Dalam konteks hubungan pelanggan dengan perusahaan melalui call center, sikap pelanggan tersebut ditunjukkan dengan keinginan untuk menelepon kembali call center apabila pelanggan memerlukan suatu informasi dan perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Models (SEM) dan obyek penelitiannya adalah pelanggan Metrostar dari PT. Metrosel, penelitian ini memberikan basil yang signifikan terhadap faktor-faktor yang diteliti. Dengan nilai Chi-square = 101,314 ; probabilitas = 0.073 ; CMINT/DF = 1.236 ; AGFI = 0.831 ; GFT = 0.885 ; TLI = 0.987 ; CFI = 0.990 dan RMSEA = 0.049 , basil pengukuran telah memenuhi kriteria goodness of fit Pada bagian akhir penelitian ini disampaikan implikasi teoritis, implikasi manajerial, keterbatasan penelitian dan agenda penelitian mendatang.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 10835 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 18 May 2010 13:26 |
Last Modified: | 18 May 2010 13:26 |
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