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Gethuk merupakan makanan jajanan khas Kota Magelang. Pada setiap proses produksi, produsen selalu menambahkan pewarna ke dalam adonan. Pewarna yang sering ditambahkan ke dalam gethuk adalah pewarna merah. Di pasar sering ditemui gethuk dengan pewarna merah yang mencolok yang dicurigai mengandung Rhodamin B. Mengingat masih banyak ditemukan penyimpangan dalam proses produksi terutama penggunaan pewarna, maka Dinas Kesehatan selaku pembina dan pengawas produsen pangan rutin setiap tahun mengadakan penyuluhan keamanan pangan. sebagai bukti produsen telah mengikuti penyuluhan keamanan pangan, Dinas Kesehatan mengeluarkan dua buah sertifikat yaitu 1. Sertifikat peserta penyuluhan dan 2. Sertifikat Produsen Undutri Rumah Tangga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan kepamilikan sertifikat penyuluhan dengan pewarna Rhodamin B pada gethuk. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol (case studuy). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakanchi squarealfas =0,05. Waktu penelitian antara bulan Mei 2004-Januari 2005. Metode yang digunakan adalah uji laboratorium dan wawancara dengan responden guna mendukung hasil laboratorium. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua gethuk yang beredar di Kota Magelang. Populasi gethuk bersertifikat sebanyak 13, semua diambil sebagai sempel. Sedang sampel. Sedang populasi gethuk non SP tidak diketahui diambil sebagai sampel. Hasil uji statistik denganchi-square menunjukkanExact sig<0,05(0,001) berarti ada hubungan yang signifikan kepemilikan sertifikat penyuluhan dengan penggunaan pewarna Rohdamin B lebih sering (82,35%) dijumpai pada gethuk non sertifikat dibanding gethuk bersertifikat (15,38%). Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peran faktor risiko terhadap penggunaan pewarna Rohdamine B dilakukan penghintungan Rasio Odds. Hasil penhitungan RO<1(0,04) berarti Sertifikat Penyuluhan (SP) dapat mencegah penggunaan pewarna ROhdamin B. Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan selaku pembina produsen makanan Industri rumah tangga untuk memberikan motivasi kepada produsen agar mengikuti penyuluhan keamanan pangan dan bertindak tegas terhadap produsen yang tidak mematuhi peraturan di bidang pangan. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE OWNERSHIP OF TRAINING CERTIFICATE AND THE USAGE OF RHODAMINE B COLOUR IN GETHUK (STUDY IN MAGELANG CITY,2004) Gethuk is a spesific food of Magelang City. In every step of production process, producer allways adds food colour. The colour usually addsed to the gethuk is red colour. In traditional market we often find gethuk with a cotrast red colour suspected of countaining Rhodamine Considering that there is still fiund many deviation in production proces, especially about the colour being used, District Health Office as the advisor and supervisor for food production, establish training to increase the knowledge of producer about food production processing and about law and regulation to protect consumer from hazardous food. As the result of following training of food safety, and District Health Office distributes two kinds of sertificates. Firs training serfiticate for the individual following the training and second of household food lidustry. The aim of this research is find the relationship between the ownership of training certificate and the food colour quality of getuk. lt is a case control study, and the data being collected is analysed using chi-square test with Alfas=0,05. The research was heldfrom may 2004 to January 2005. To the food colour being used, a laboratory test was conducted, also interview to the producer to support laboratory test. The population of the reseacrch is all getuk food avaibable in magelang. Thepopulation of certified getuk product is 13, all being taken as the samples. The population of non certified getuk product is unknown, and 17 kinds was found in the market; all being taken as the samples. Chi-Square statistic test shows the exact significance <0,05(0,001) which means that there is significant relationship between training certificate ownership and the quality of food colour being used. The result shows that Rhodamine B was more frequently used (82,35%) by non certified producers compared to those certified (15,38%). To understand how far the role of risk factor in the usage of Rhodamine B, Odds Ratio calculation is held. lt is found that the ratio <1 (0,04), showing that certification can prevet producer from using Rhomine B as the colour. The District Health Office should give motivation to producer to follow training for food production and act strictly toward producer disobeying law and regulation in food production. Keyword: : Training certificate, Gethuk, Rhodamine B colour.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 10790 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 18 May 2010 10:35 |
Last Modified: | 18 May 2010 10:35 |
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