Karay, Jonathan Cosmus (2003) ANALISIS DISPARITAS SPASIAL DAN SEKTORAL STUDI KASUS DI PROPINSI PAPUA. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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It is well recognized that there was an investment allocation gap among regencies in Papua Province. Some regencies, such as Fak-Fak, Sorong and Jayapura, show a reasonably percentage of investment realization. In addition, their contribution to Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Papua Province is also fairly significant. These facts have shown that investment activities within these three regencies have been rapidly growing whereas others are still under¬developed. The economic growth disparity has caused the regencies with economic activity concentration seem more developed and advanced whereas other regencies have been left behind in terms of development activities. In addition, the disparity also happens within economic sectors. This disparity results in some subsistent regions, such as Jayawijaya, Paniai and Yapen Waropen have not been changed yet so that their quality of life is still underdeveloped. The objective of the study is to analyze factors affecting regional investment allocation disparity, economic growth inter-regencies and inter- economic sectors within Papua Province. This study makes use of time series data of 1986-2000. The data has been gathered from Central Statistics Bureau of Papua Province, Bank of Indonesia Papua Branch and Regional Investment and Promotion Agency for Papua Province. Multiple Regression of Logarithmic natural is utilized and equipped by other analyses such as Pearson coefficient correlation, Standard Deviation, Williamson Indexes, Klassen Typologies, and Location Quotient. The findings of the study suggest that saving rate,. Incremental Capital Ratio (ICOR) and interest rate give an impact on the disparity of investment allocation in Papua Province. These findings imply that the increase of 1% the saving rate and of 1% ICOR would result in increase in investment of 0.567 % and 0.692 % respectively. Meanwhile, the interest rate negatively affects the investment disparity, i.e. 1% of the increase in interest rate would reduce 2.068% of the investment allocation disparity. In addition, the economic growth disparity measured by 0.736 (74%) of Pearson correlation coefficient shows that there is a strong and positive relationship between standard deviation of investment allocation and Williamson Index. This relationship implies that a wider gap of investment allocation would result in a wider disparity of economic growth. Other factors caused investment allocation gap are identified by inter- regencies investment allocation, differences of factor endowment owned by the regencies and the provision of infrastructures. By utilizing analysis of Klassen Typologies, it is suggested that there are 4 regional classifications: Rapid Growth Region: Fak-Fak; Retarded Region : Jayapura. Sorong, Biak Numfor; Growing Region : Manokwari and Merauke; Relatively Backward Region: Jayawijaya, Panjai and Yapen Waropen. By using Location Quotient analysis, this study suggests that every sector could be developed in each region. However, sector analysis identifies that the disparities within transportation and communication sectors are the highest with 1.54 of standard deviation whereas mining and quarrying sectors are the lowest with 0.55 standard deviation. To improve the development distribution in Papua Province, it is suggested that fund allocation distribution from the province should be directed to the under¬developed regencies and it is needed stimulation in the provincial level by constructing inter-regencies development programs to avoid the programs overlapping. Kondisi alokasi Investasi antar kabupaten di Propinsi Papua menunjukkan masih terjadinya kesenjangan. Beberapa kabupaten seperti Fak-Fak, Sorong, Jayapura memperlihatkan persentase realisasi investasinya cukup tinggi. Disamping itu kontribusi mereka terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Propinsi Papua juga cukup tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan investasi di ketiga kabupaten tersebut tumbuh pesat, sedangkan kabupaten lainnya rendah. Ketimpangan pertumbuhan ekonomi antar kabupaten menyebabkan kabupaten lain tertinggal dalam pembangunannya, sehingga nampak bahwa kabupaten dimana terdapat konsentrasi kegiatan ekonomi yang lebih maju dan berkembang. Di camping itu, disparitas juga terjadi di berbagai sektor ekonomi. Disparitas tersebut menyebabkan beberapa daerah subsisten seperti Jayawijaya, Paniai dan Yapen Waropen masih belum mampu berkembang sehingga kualitas hidup masyarakat masih memprihatinkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi disparitas alokasi investasi daerah, disparitas pertumbuhan ekonomi antar kabupaten dan antar sector ekonomi di Propinsi Papua. Data yang digunakan adalah runtut waktu (time series) sejak periode 1986 — 2000, yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Propinsi Papua, Bank Indonesia Cabang Jayapura serta Badan Promosi dan Investasi Daerah Propinsi Papua. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda dengan pendekatan logaritma natural, koefisiem korelasi Pearson, Deviasi Standar, Indeks Williamson, Tipologi Klassen dan Location Quotient. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat tabungan, incremental capital output ratio (ICOR) dan suku bunga berpengaruh terhadap disparitas alokasi investasi di Propinsi Papua. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan tabungan dan ICOR sebesar 1 persen akan menyebabkan berubahnya investasi sebesar 0,567 persen dan 0,692 persen . Suku bunga berpengaruh negatif terhadap investasi dimana perubahan sebesar 1 persen akan menyebabkan investasi turun sebesar 2,068 persen . Disparitas pertumbuhan ekonomi antar kabupaten yang diukur dengan menggunakan koefisien korelasi Pearson diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,736 (74 persen) yang menunjukkan hubungan kuat dan positif antara Deviasi Standar alokasi investasi dan Indeks Williamson, dimana semakin timpang alokasi investasi maka akan menyebabkab juga disparitas dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi. Faktor-faktor lain penyebab ketimpangan investasi adalah alokasi investasi antar kabupaten, perbedaan sumber daya alam antarkabupaten dan ketersediaan infrastruktur Dengan menggunakan analisis Tipolo i Klassen diperoleh 4(empat) klasifikasi daerah : Daerah Maju dan Tumbuh Cepat adalah Fak-Fak; Daerah Maju Tapi Tertekan meliputi Jayapura, Sorong dan Biak Numfor; Daerah Berkembang Cepat meliputi Manokwari dan Merauke; Daeral1 Relatif Tertinggal meliputi Jayawijaya, Paniai dan Yapen Waropen. Dengan menggunakan analisa Location Quotient nampalcnya hampir semua sektor ekonomi dapat dikembangkan oleh setiap kabupaten. Dilihat Dari analisis sektoral, ketimpangan antar sektor yang paling tinggi terjadi pada sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi dengan nilai deviasi s.andar 1,54 dan yang terendah pada sektor pertambangan dan penggalian dengan ni1ai deviasi standar 0,55. Untuk meningkatkan pemerataan pembahgunan di Propinsi Papua, distribusi pengalokasian dana dari Pemerintah Propinsi harus banyak mengarah kepada kabupaten yang tertinggal pembangunannya serta perlu adanya stimulasi pada tingkat propinsi melalui penyusunan keselarasan program-program pembangunan antar kabupaten.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 10529 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 12 May 2010 10:59 |
Last Modified: | 12 May 2010 10:59 |
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