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Changing is one of important fenomena in this century. Bocci, more organization face an dynamic environment and changing, following the organization to adaptation it. In the clear, that each organization shoul obey to demand of its environment, where the variate demand based on the changing environment. In impact, organization management adopted changing organization (example modificate organization sfriature, goals, technology, duty, etc.) as a appointment to changing organization. The objective of the study is to analyze the impact of Islam work ethic toward accountant attitude to changing organization with commitment organization as a variable intervening. Population for this research is all of intern accountants, education accountants and accountant staf working Islam-organization basic in Indonesia. Data were collected via questionnaires. A total of 295 accountants were responded to this research. Data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Model (SEM). On the whole, research model in Full Structural Equation Model analysis shows good result, such as goodness of fit index with GFl — 0.856, probability degree 0.162 that fits to critical ratio 0.050 and another justification that show good value, there are; CFI = 0.988, TLI = 0.986, AGM = 0.874, RMSEA = 0.039, CMIN / DF = 1.205 and Chi Square = 2765.130. The result of the analysis support four hypotheses proposed in this research, there are; Islam work ethic impact .affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment ; Islam work ethic impact coanitive, affective and behavioral tendency from attitude toward changing organization ; Islam work ethic impact affective commitment to cognitive, affective and behavioral tendency fram attitude toward changing organization ; there is a negative impact between continuance commitment to cognitive, affective and behavioral tendency from attitude toward changing organization ; normative commitment impact cognitive, affective and behavioral tendency from attitude toward changing organization ; affective commitment mediated Islam work ethic to cognitive, affective and behavioral tendency from attitude toward changing organization ; continuance commitment mediated Islam work ethic to cognitive, affective and behavioral tendency from attitude toward changing organization ; normative commitment mediated Islam work ethic to cognitive, affective and behavioral tendency from attitude toward changing organization. Pembahan (change) merupakan salab sacs fenomena terpenting abad ini. ini makin banyak organisasi mcnghadapi suatu lingkimgan yang dinamis dan berubah, yang selanjutnya menuntut organisasi tersebut menyesuaikan Ditegaskan bahwa setiap organisasi tunduk pada demands dari lingkungannya, di mana demands yang beragam ini disebabkan linglumgan yang berubah. Aldbathya inanajeinen organisasi mengadopsi perubahan organisasi (seperti memodiansi struktur organisasi, goals, telcnologi, penugasan, dan sebagainya) sebagai kesepakatannya pada perubahan lingkungan. Adapun tujuan dan kegunaan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mei ape.pleh hukti empiric mengenai pengaruh etika kerja Islam pada herbagai dimensi sikap akuntan terhadap perubahan organisasi (cognitive attitudes toward change, affective attitudes toward change dan behavioral tendency attitudes toward change), di mana berbagai dimensi komitmen organisasi (affective commitment, continuance commitment dan normative commitment) berperan sebagai mediator. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruli akuntan intern, akuntan pendidik dan staf akuntan yang bekeda pada organisasi-organisasi berbasis Islam di Indonesia. 295 akurAan intern, akuntan pendidik dan staf akuntan memberikan jawaban untuk penelitian ini. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Stnivti -al Equation Model (SEM). Secara keseluruhan model penelitian dalam analisis Full Structural Equation Model menunjukkan basil yang baik, seperti goodness of fit index yang baik dengan nilai GFI sebesar 0,856 dengan tingkat Probability sebesar 0,162 yang telah memenuhi batas laitis yaitu 0,05 serta beberapa justifikasi lainnya yang menunjukkan nilai yang baik, diantaranya adalah CFI = 0,988 ; TLI = 0,986; AGFI = 0,874; RMSEA = 0,041; MIN / DF = 1,205 dan Chi-Square = 2765.130 Hasil analisis mendukung .delapan hipotesis yang diajukan dalam ini yaitu; ada pengaruh positif antara etika kerja Islam terhadap affective commitment, continuance commitment dan normative commitment; ada pengaruh positif antara etika kerja Islam terhadap cognitive, affective dan behavioral tendency dad sikap terhadap perubahan organisasi; ada pengaruh positif antara Affective commitment ierhadap cognitive, affective dan behavioral tendency dari sikap terhadap perubahan organisasi; ada pengaruh negatif antara Continuance commitment terhadap cognitive, affective dan behavioral tendency .dari sikap terhadap perubahan organisasi; ada pengaruh positif antara Normative commitment terhadap cognitive, affective dan behavioral tendency dari sikap terhadap perubahan organisasi; Affective commitment pengaruh ctika. kcrja Islam pada cognitive, affective dan behavioral tendency dad sikap terhadap perubahan organisasi; Continuance commitment memediasi pengaruh etika kerja Islam pada cognitive, affective dan behavioral tendency da_ri sikap terhadap. perubahan organisasi; "Nonnative comniitment memediasi pengaruh etika kerja Islam pada cognitive, affective dan behavioral tendency dari sikap terhadap perubahan organisasi.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Accounting |
ID Code: | 10525 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 12 May 2010 10:43 |
Last Modified: | 12 May 2010 10:43 |
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