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Nasi bungkus termasuk makanan jajanan dan berpotensi mendapatkan kontaminasi dari bakteri antara lain karena kondisi sanitasi, personal higiene, jenis lauk yang dipakai sedangkan lamanya waktu penyimpanan dapat membuatjumlah bakteri meningkat jumlahnya. Salah satu jenis nasi bungkus adalah nasi bungkus isi telur. Nasi bungkus isi telur perlu diketahui keamanan mikrobiologisnya antara lain dengan mengetahui jumlah total bakteri dan keberadaan bakteri Salmonella sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lama penyimpanan nasi, lama penyimpanan lauk, sanitasi, personal higiene, jenis lauk dengan jumlah total bakteri pada nasi bungkus isi telur yang dijual di wilayah Tembalang. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik dengan desain cross sectional dan metode survei. Populasi adalah semua jenis nasi bungkus yang dijual di Kelurahan Tembalang. Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling dan berjumlah 11 nasi bungkus isi telur. Pengumpulan data lama penyimpanan, sanitasi, personal higiene, dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi menggunakan kuesioner terhadap produsen nasi bungkus, sedangkan data jenis lauk diketahui dengan cara observasi yaitu membeli langsung kepada pedagang nasi bungkus. Data junlah total bakteri dan bakteri Salmonella sp diketahui dari hasil uji laboratorium yang dilakukan di AKL-HAKLI Semarang. Hasil uji laboratorium menunjukkan rata-rata total bakteri 170,91 bakteri/gram,jumlah maksimal 572 bakteri/gram dan jumlah minimal 0 bakteri/gram. Semua nasi bungkus isi telur tidak ada yang mengandung bakteri Salmonella sp. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan lama penyimpanan nasi dengan total bakteri, ada hubungan lama penyimpanan lauk dengan total bakteri, tidak ada hubungan sanitasi dengan total bakteri, tidak ada hubungan personal higiene dengan total bakteri, tidak ada hubungan jenis lauk dengan total bakteri. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepada produsen sebaiknya saat memasak makanan pada sore hari saat nasi akan mulai dijual. Kepada konsumen jika ingin membeli nasi bungkus sebaiknya pada awal penjualan. Kata Kunci: Jumlah Total Bakteri, Lama Penyimpanan, Higiene dan Sanitasi, Nasi Bungkus THE RELATIONSHIP OF DEPOSITORY RICE DURATION, DEPOSITORY OF SIDE DISH DURATION, SANITATION, PERSONAL HYGIENE, TYPE OF SIDE DISH WITH TOTAL BACTERIUM IN BALE RICE IN SUB-DISTRICT OF TEMBALANG, SEMARANG 2004 The bale rice counted as snack food and have a potency to be contaminated from the bacterium for example because the condition of sanitation, personal hygiene, and the side dish type while the depository duration can make the amount of bacterium can increase. One of the bale rice is bale rice with egg. It is important to know the microbiology security by knowing the total bacterium and the existence of Salmonella sp. This research have a purpose to know the relationship of depository rice duration, depository of side dish duration, sanitation, personal hygiene, type of side dish with total bacterium in bale rice with egg in sub-district of Tembalang. This research type is analytic with cross sectional design and survey method. The population is all of the bale rice type that is sold in sub-district of Tembalang. The sample is taken by purposive sampling and amount to 11 bale rice with egg. The depository duration data collecting, sanitation, hygiene personal which is conducted with interview and observation by using questionnair to bale rice producer, while the side dish type data is known by observation that is by buying directly to the merchant. Full scale data of Salmonella sp bacterium and bacterium known from result conducted by laboratory test in AKL-HAKLI Semarang. The result of laboratory test show total mean of bacterium is 170,91 bacterium/gram, maximal amount is 572 bacterium/gram and minimum amount is 0 bacterium/gram. No bale rice with egg containing Salmonella sp bacterium.The resultof bivariate analysis shows that there is relationship between depository rice duration and the total amount of bacterium, there is relationship betwenn depository side dish duration and total amount of bacterium, there is no relationship between sanitation and total amount of bacterium, there is no relationship between personal hygiene and total amount of bacterium, there is no relationship between side dish type and total amount of bacterium. Keyword: Total Amount of Bacterium, Depository Period, Hygiene and Sanitation, Bale Rice
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 10422 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 10 May 2010 10:56 |
Last Modified: | 10 May 2010 10:56 |
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