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Metode penyimpanan makanan olahan dalam suhu ruang (280C - 310C)yang dikemas, seperti saus sambal seharusnya dengan kemasan tertutup. Tujuan penelitian adalah menghitung total baktero pasa saus sambal yang disimpan dalam suhu ruang (280 - 310C) selama 6 minggu pada kemasan tertutup dan kemasan terbuka, serta menganalisis pengaruh lama dan cara penyimpanan saus sambal terhadap total bakteri. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian adalah Rancangan Faktorial. Sampel diperiksa total bakteri dengan metode hitung cawan cara tuang. Data diproses dengan program SPSS release 11.00 dengan menggunakan uji statistik One Away Anova untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh lama penyimpanan saus sambal terhadap total bakteri dan uji T (T Test). Untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh cara penyimpanan saus sambal terhadap total bakteri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total bakteri saus sambal yang disimpan dalam suhu ruang (280C - 310C)dengan kemasan tertutup sampai minggu ke-6 masih berada di bawah batas maksimum cemaran mikroba ( 1 x 105 koloni/g) dan total bakteri saus sambal yang disimpan dalam suhu ruang (280C - 310C)dengan kemasan terbuka hanya bertahan sampai minggu ke-3 masih berada di bawah batas maksimum cemaran mikroba ( 1 x 105 koloni/g). Pada penyimpanan saus sambal dengan kemasan tertutup total bakteri meningkat selama 3 minggu pertama penyimpanan dan dari minggu ke-3 sampai minggu ke-6 mengalami penurunan. Pada penyimpanan saus sambal dengan kemasan terbuka total bakteri mengalami peningkatan selama 4 minggu pertama penyimpanan dan dari minggu ke-4 sampai ke-6 mengalami penurunan. Total bakteri rata-rata yang disimpan selama 6 minggu dalam kemasan terbuka mempunyai jumlah bakteri yang lebih besar (6,83 x 104 koloni/g). Sehingga disimpulkan ada pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap total bakteri, tidak ada pengaruh cara penyimpanan dengan kemasan tertutup dan kemasan terbuka terhadap total bakteri. Bagi masyrakat disarankan dalam menyimpan saus sambal dalam ruangan terbuka sebaiknya diusahakan kemasan dalam keadaan tertutup dan bagi penjual mi ayam dan atau bakso yang memakai saus sambal dalam kemasan terbuka diusahakan pada hari ke-21 setelah pembuatan saus sambal sudah habis karena selebihnya saus sambal telah tidak aman untuk dikonsumsi. Kata Kunci: total bakteria, lama penyimpanan, cara penyaimpanan, suhu ruang, saus sambal THE EFFECT OF THE LENGT AND METHOD OF STORING CHILLI SAUCE WHIT ROOM TEMPERATURE TOWARD THE MICROBIOLOGICALLY FOOD SAFETY The method of storing processed and contained food such as chilli sauce at room temperature (280C - 310C)should be through closed containers. The objective of the study is calculate the total number of bacteria in chili sauce stored at room temperature (280C - 310C) for six weeks in closed and open containers and to analyse the effect or duration and methode of storing chilli sauce on the total nomber bacteria. The type of the study in an experimental one with the Factorial Reseach Design. Sample are examined for the total number of bacteria by dish-pouring calculation method. Data are processed by using SPSS release 11,00 program anlysed by One Way Anova Statistic Test, to find out the effect of the chilli sauce storing duration on the total number of bacteria . T Test is used to find out the effect of chilli sauce storing method on the total number of bacteria. The result shows that the total number of bacteria in chilli sauce stored in closed containers at room temperature (280C - 310C) for six weeks is still below the maximum level of mikrobial contamination ( 1 x 105 colonies/g) and the total number of bacteria in chilli sauce stored at room temperature(280C - 310C)open containers is below the maximum level of microbial contamination ( 1 x 105 colonies/g)for only three weeks of storage. In the case of chilli sauce stored in the closed containers, the total number of bacteria keeps increasing during the first three weeks and then decreasing from the third week of the sixth. In the case of chilli sauce stored in the open containers, the total number of bacteria keeps increasing during the first four weeks and then decreasing from the fourth week to the sixth. The average number of bacteria in chilli sauce stored in open containers for six weeks in higher (6,83 x 104 colonies/g) then in the chilli sauce stored in the closed containers (1,96 x 104 colonies/g). There is effect of the storing duration on the total number of bacteria. There is no effect of the storing method on the total number of bacteria. People are recommanded storing chilli sauce in closed pots. People selling meat balls or chicken noodles must used up their chilli sauce before the 21st day since its production date. After the 21st day, chilli sauce is no safer for comsumption. Keyword: total number of bacteria, storing time, storing method, room temperature, chilli sauce
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 10410 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 10 May 2010 10:42 |
Last Modified: | 10 May 2010 10:42 |
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