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GAKI( Ganguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium ) yang merupakan salah satu masalah gizi masyarakat di Indonesia adalah suatu konsep kesehatan masyarakat dan bukan merupakan penyakit dalam arti sebenarnya. Upaya jangka pendek dalam intervensi masalah GAKI adalah dengan suplementasi kapsul iodium, sedangkan program jangka panjang dengan pemasyarakatan konsumsi garam beriodium. Efektivitas pemanfaatan garam beriodium pada tingkat konsumen sangat tergantung pada pengetahuan, perilaku dan status ekonomi konsumen itu sendiri. Bahan dan warna kemasan ( wadah ) yang dipakai berperan mempengaruhi kandungan iodium dalam garam selama penyimpanan; jenis masakan dan cara memasak yang kurang benar, juga berpengaruh pada tingkat asupan iodium dalam tubuh. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kandungan iodium garam, penyimpanan dan penyajiannya antara keluarga sejahtera dan prasejahtera. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua keluarga yang bertempat tinggal di 5 ( lima ) desa wilayah Kecamatan Kebakkramat Kabupaten Karanganyar dengan jumlah sampel total 317 ibu-ibu rumah tangga.Jenis penelitian adalah diskriptif analitik, menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil uji statistik dengan mengunakan U Mann Whitney menunjukan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada kandungan iodium dalam garam dan penyimpanannya antara keluarga sejahtera dan keluarga prasejahtera. Pada penyajian garam antara keluarga sejahtera dan prasejahtera tidak ada perbedaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan untuk ditingkatkan frekuensi dan kualitas penyuluhan ( promosi ) oleh petugas khususnya mengenai GAKI; adanya bantuan garam atau peralatan penyimpanan garam kepada keluarga prasejahtera; secara periodik dilakukan swepping terhadap garam yang beredar di masyarakat; serta perlu dicetak brosur/leaflet yang selanjutnya didistribusikan ke setiap keluarga. Kata Kunci: Kandungan iodium garam, penyimpanan garam, penyajian garam,sejahtera dan prasejahtera THE DIFFERENCE OF CONTENT OF THE IODIZED SALT, HOW TO KEEP IT AND HOW TO SERVE IT, BETWEEN THE WEALTHY AND UNWEALTHY FAMILIES IN KEBAKKRAMAT, KARANGANYAR DISTRICT. GAKI ( Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium / Disturbance because of Iodine Deficiency ) which is one of the nutrient problems of the Indonesian people, is actually a kind of public health concept and it is not really a disease. The short term effort in interfering this GAKI problem is by providing or suplementing iodine capsule, where as the long term program is by socializing the consumption of the iodized salt. The effectivity of the using of the iodized salt at the consumer level depends on the knowledge, behavior and economy status of the consumer. The material and color of the place used to keep the iodized salt also influence the content of the iodine in the salt during the storage; kinds of food and the improper way of cooking will also influence the level of consumption of the iodine in the body. The aim of this research is to acknowledge the difference of the content of the iodized salt, how to keep it and how to serve it, between the wealthy and the unwealthy families. The population of this research is all families live in five village in Kebakkramat, Karanganyar, with the total sample of 317 housa wives. This research is an analitic descriptive one, using a cross sectional approach as the survey method. The ststistical test result using the U Mann Whitney formulas, indicates that there is a significant difference in the content of the iodized salt and the way of keeping it between the wealthy and unwealthy families. In the way to serve it, between the wealthy and unwealthy families, there is no difference show. Based on the result of the research it is suggested to increase the frequency and quality of socialization of GAKI by the special officials; to provide more iodized salt or the plac to keep it for the unwealthy families; to sweep the existence of the non iodized salt in the society periodically; and to make brochures that are distributed to all families. Keyword: The content of the iodized salt, how to keep the salt, how to serve the salt, wealthy and unwealthy
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 10338 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 07 May 2010 10:35 |
Last Modified: | 07 May 2010 10:35 |
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