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ABSTRACT The increasing number of private hospital that operates has caused high competition on health service. Beside, society's demand for service quality is also high. In order to achieve the maximum service. The management must have patient's option data concerning to the service quality based on three important factor that can be used to value the health service quality strategy. This research has been analyzed to find the impact of the input, environment, and process toward the health service quality in terms of patient's satisfaction, The sample of the population is the population is the stayed care patients of Siti Khodijah Hospital in total of 115 sample of respondent based of certain criteria. The technique of analysis is using Structural Equation Model (SEM) that is used to examine six hypothesis that has been developed. The result of the examination shows the positive impact between input factors toward service quality, input factor toward patient's satisfaction, environmental factor toward service quality, process factor toward service quality, process factor toward patient's satisfaction and the service quality factor toward patient's satisfaction. The acceptable test for signification test model have done by testing goodness of fit that is GFI (Goodness of Fit Index), AGFI (Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index), CFI (Comparative Fit Index), RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation), TL1 (Tucker Lewis Index) and CR (Critical Ratio)ABSTRAKSI Semakin, maraknya Rumah Sakit Swasta yang beroperasi menyebabkan tingginya persaingan dalam hal pelayanan. Selain itu tuntutan masyarakat akan kualitas pelayanan culaip tinggi. Gntuk dapat mewujudkan pelayanan maksimal pihak manajemen Rumah Sakit tentunya hams memiliki data penilaian pasien tentang kualitas pelayanannya berdasarkan 3 unsur penting yang biasa digunakan untuk menilai. Suatu lcualitas pelayanan kesehatan yaitu : unsur masukan, unsur lingkungan, dan unsur proses untuk dapat menyusun konsep strategi peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dengan balk. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan analisa untuk mengetahui pengaruh,. unsur masukan, unsur lingkungan, dan unsur proses terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang kaitannya dengan kepuasan pasien. Populasi sampel pasien rawat map RS. Siti Khodijah dengan jutnlah sampel 115 responden berdasarkan kriteria- kriteria tertentu. Teknik analisis dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Model digunakan untuk menguji 6 hipotesis yang telah dikembangkan. Hash l pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang positil antara unsur inasukan terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, unsur masukan terhadap kepuasan pasien, unsur lingkungan terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, unsur proses terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, unsur proses terhadap kepuasan pasien, dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan terhadap kepuasan pasien. Hasil komputasi untuk pengujian model menunjukkan basil yang dapat diterima dengan tnenggunakan Goodnes of Fit yaitu GFI (Goodnes of Fit index), ACIFI (Adjusted Goodnes of Fit Index), RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation), TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) dan CR (Critical 1?atio).
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 10233 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 06 May 2010 14:04 |
Last Modified: | 06 May 2010 14:04 |
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