Astuti, Arianti Retno (2004) FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI INTERAKSI ANTAR DIVISI UNTUK MEMPEROLEH KEUNGGULAN BERSAING (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Jawatan RRI di Pulau Jawa). Masters thesis, program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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The competitive complexities of an industry encourage organizations to continually improve their service qualities, in order to attract customers. One of the main factors to create a better service is by improving the service quality. The improvement of customer service quality is one great step that can be used by organizations to achieve competitive advantage. In the process of achieving this goal, organizations must create their competitive advantages based on the management of interdivision interactions. In this study we examined a model of factors playing important role in determining the interdivision interactions in their process of gaining competitive advantage. In this context, we proposed a research model to examine the effects of manager participation, organizational systems, quality planning and control systems alignment on the interdivision interactions, including the impact of interdivision interactions on the achievement of competitive advantage. This study used a sampel of 100 lower level managers in charge of supervising staff employees in a divisional organization of Radio Republik Indonesia in Java, analyzed using Structural Equation Model [Sag Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that all five hypotheses that we proposed are supported. In this case the model can represent the causality relationship between the variables. The results of this study showed that Manager Participation has the greatest impact on interdivision interaction at 0,389, followed by Quality Planning at 0,362 and Control Systems Alignment at 0,361, with the Organizational Systems being the least at 0,228. Furthermore, this study revealed the relationship between interdivision interactions and competitive advantage, in which competitive advantage is influenced by interdivision interactions by 0,732 Based on these results, control systems alignment is a factor that need to be prioritized with maximum attention. Kompleksitas persaingan suatu industri men yebabkan setiap perusahaan harus selalu berusaha meningkatkan kualitas layanannya, agar dapat menarik minat pare pelanggan.Salah satu factor untuk menciptakan pelayangn yang lebih yaitu den gan menciptakan kualitas layanan, terciptanya pelayanah yang lebih bagi pelanggan merupakan batu loncatan bagi perusahaan untuk memperoleh keunggulan bersaing. Dalam mencapai proses pengembangannya untuk mencapai tujuan peruse/wan agar bisa memperoleh nilai yang unggul didasarkan pada pen gelolaan intraksi enter divisi. Penelitian ini menganalisa sebuah model dari factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi interaksi antar divisi untuk memperoleh keunggulan bersaing. Dalam konteks in!, diajukan suatu model penelitian untuk menguji pen garuh keterlibatan manajer, sistim organisasi, perencanaan kualitas dan keselarasan sistim kontrol terhadap interaksi antar divisi, kemudian pengaruh interaksi antar divisi untuk mencapai keunggulan bersaing.Penelitian ini men ggunakan sample 100 manajer (low manajer) yang langsung membawahi stafnya di Perusahaan Jawatan Radio Repubfik Indonesia di pulau Jawa yang dianalisis dengan men ggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM). Berdasarkan basil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa 5 hipotesis yang diajukan dapat diterima, sehingga model tersebut dapat men ggambarkan hubungan kausalitas yang terjalin diantara variable-variabelnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Keterlibatan Manajer merupakan factor yang mempunyai pen garuh paling besar terhadap interaksi enter divisi sebesar 0.389, diikuti Perencanaan Kualitas sebesar 0.362 dan Keselarasan Sistim Kontrol 0.361, serta sistim organisasi sebesar 0228. Penefitian ini juga men gungkapkan hubungan lntraksi antar divisi dengan Keunggulan Bersaing, dimana keunggulan bersaing dipengaruhi Interaksi antar divisi sebesar 0.732. Dengan demikian basil penelitian ini factor keselarasan sistim kontrol layaknya mendapatkan prioritas penanganan yang maksimal.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 10177 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 06 May 2010 10:03 |
Last Modified: | 06 May 2010 10:03 |
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