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Salah satu upaya mencapai tujuan kesehatan nasional adalah dengan pemberantasan penyakit menular, satu diantaranya adalah penyakit Tb paru.Depkes telah melakukan penanggulangan Tb paru sejak tahun 1969, namunsampai sekarang penyakit ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Dalam penemuan Tb paru peran petugas laboratorium sangat penting. hal ini karena hasil pemeriksan sediaan BTA oelh petugas laboratorium merupakan kunci dalam penegakan diagnosis. Pada tahun 2005 di Kabupaten Keinci ditemukan kasus Tb paru BTA positif sebanyak 162 dengan realisasi BTA positif hanya 6,26%, kasus Drop Out 4,7%, Kematia 3,4%error rate (tm-I=3,4% tm-II=7,4% tm-IV5,7% tm-IV=13,1%) dan kesembuhan 85,26%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja petugas laboratorium dalam penemuan Tb paru di Kabupaten Kerinci masih rendah, karena dapat dikatakan baik bila penemuan BTA positif mencapai 10% dari target suspek dn error Rate <5%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja petugas laboratorium dalam penemuan penderitaTb paru di Puskesmas Kabupaten Kerinci tahun 2006. Sampel penelitian adalah 17 petugas laboratorium diseluruh puskesmas di Kabupaten Kerinci. Jenis penelitian ini explanatory research dengan metode survey dan pendekatan cross sectional. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Korelasi rank spearmans. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa mayoritas kinerja petugas laboratorium masih kurang. Hasil menujukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pelatihan (p=0,045), motivasi (p=0,021),persepsi (p=0,003), kepemimpinan (p=0,001),sumberdaya (p=0,024) dan insentif (p=0,003) dengan kinerja petugas laboratorium dalam penemuan penderita Tb paru di Puskesmas Kabupaten Kerinci. Disarankan lebih ditingkatkan perhatian terhadap manajemen laboratorium yaitu peningkatan sarana dan prasarana yang ada, perlu dilkukan supervisi yang baik oleh pengelola program TB paru karena petugas laboratorium yang mempunyai kinerja kurang ternyata mempunyai motivasi yang rendah, perlu dibuat pedoman pembagian sistem intensif berdasarkan hasil kerja yang diperlihatkan oleh staf. Kata Kunci: Kinerja,Laboratorium, Tb Paru, Puskesmas SOME FACTORS RELATED TO THE LABORATORY STAFF PERFORMANCE IN FINDING LUNGS TUBERCULOSIS SUFFERRER AT PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER OF KERINCI REGENCY IN 2006 One effort to achieve the goal of national health is through infected diseases control, one of themis lung tuberculosis. The preventionof lungs tuberculosis has been conducted since 1969 from health departement. However the disease still becomes serious health problem in Indonesia. In finding the sufferer or lungs tuberculosis, the role of laboratory staff is very importnt, this is due to the fact that the supply treatment result of BTA by the laboratory staff is the main element in diagnosis enforcement. In Kerinci Regency there were 162 cases of positive BTA lungs tuberculosis in 2005 with realization as follows positive BTA is only 6,26%, Drop Out case is 4,7%, death is 3,4%, error rate is (tm-I=3,4% tm-II=7,4% tm-III=5,7% tm-IV=13,1%) and recovery is 85,26%. This indicates that the performance of laboratory staff in finding the sufferer of lungs tuberculosis in Kerinci Regency is still low. They will be considered has good performance if the finding of positive BTA reaches 10% from the target of suspect and error rate is <5%. The aim of the research is to recognize some factors related to the work of labratory staff in finding the suffer of lunga tuberculosis at public health center of kerinci Regency in 2006. Sample of the research is 17 laboratory staffs in all public health centers at Kerinci Regency. The research is akind of an explanatory Research with survey method and cross sectionalapproach. The statistical test used in this research is correlation rank spearmenttest. From the result of the research,the writer obtains that most of laboratory staffs performance is still low. The result demonstrates that there is significant correlation between training (p=0,045), motivation (p=0,021), perception (p=0,003),leadhership (p=0,001),resources (p=0,024), and incestives (p=0,03)with the performance of laboratory staff in finding lungs tuberculosis sufferer at public health center of Kerincy Regency. It is suggested that it is neccesary to increase the attention toward laboratory management, that is the increasing of the existing infrastructure,good supervision must be carried out by the tuberculosis officier since the staff of laboratory showing less performance has also low motivation, the distribution guidelines of incentive system should be developed based on the performance achievement of the staff. Keyword : Performance,Loboratory, Lung Tuberculosis, Public Health Center
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 10022 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 04 May 2010 14:17 |
Last Modified: | 04 May 2010 14:17 |
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